Covid-19 | Japan suspends use of 1.5 million doses of Moderna


Japan has suspended use of 1.63 million doses of Moderna Inc’s Covid-19 vaccine. after receiving reports of the presence of foreign particles in vials from various vaccination sites.

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co Ltd., which is the local distributor of the vaccine, and Japan’s health ministry have agreed to stop using the three-dose batch after discussing the matter, they said in separate statements Thursday.

There have been no safety concerns with the affected vials, and vaccination in Japan with the other doses of Moderna will continue as normal, Takeda said.

Efficacy of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines increased from 91% to 66% against Delta variant

A problem with one of the production lines at Moderna’s manufacturing site in Spain could be to blame and an investigation is currently underway, a spokesperson for the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company said.

The Japanese Prime Minister, Yoshihide Suga, told reporters on Thursday that the suspension would not have a major impact on the country’s vaccination program.

The campaign in Japan, which started late compared to other developed countries, has progressed rapidly since the start of the summer. About 43% of the population has already completed their vaccination schedule, of which nearly 90% of its inhabitants are over 65 years old.

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