Covid-19: the map of the advance of the Delta variant in the world | WHO warns it will become dominant strain


The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that Delta variant of coronavirus, known to be more contagious, to become world dominant in the coming months. Until now, it was already reported to be predominant in Britain, Russia, India, Australia and the number of infections is increasing in the United States and several European countries.

The advanced map of the Delta variant

In the map produced by The Economist with information from the GISAID science initiative, you can see how the Delta variant is advancing across multiple continents. Canada, United States and Mexico, America; Spain and Portugal, in Europe; India, China, Malaysia, Indonesia and Russia in Asia. Also in Australia.

The Geneva-based organization said a total of 3.4 million new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in the week to July 18, up 12% from the previous week. “At this rate, the cumulative number of reported cases worldwide is expected to can exceed 200 million in the next three weeks, ”warned the WHO.

Covid variants

First identified in India, Delta has been detected so far in 124 territories -13 more than last week- and it already represents more than three-quarters of the samples sequenced in many countries, according to the WHO.

“It is expected to quickly outperform other variants and become the dominant lineage in circulation in the coming months “, they argued from the agency in their weekly epidemiological report.

Of the three other so-called disturbing coronavirus (COV) variants, Alpha, first detected in Britain, was detected in 180 territories (six more than last week), Beta, first detected in Africa South, in 130 (seven more) and Gamma, first detected in Brazil, in 78 (three more).

Based on SARS-CoV-2 sequences submitted to the GISAID Global Science Initiative to share virus data, For four weeks until July 20, the prevalence of Delta exceeded 75 percent in several countries.

These include Australia, Bangladesh, Botswana, Great Britain, China, Denmark, India, Indonesia, Israel, Portugal, Russia, from Singapore and South Africa.

The Delta variant in Argentina

Until last week, the Ministry of Health had confirmed 15 cases with this coronavirus mutation, all with a travel history. In most cases, travelers entered the country with a negative antigen result. The control was positive on the seventh day of isolation.

From the portfolio headed by Carla Vizzotti, they also confirmed that three of those infected had been vaccinated while in Miami.

The executive recognizes that it is impossible to stop the arrival of the Delta variant in the country, therefore, the focus is on “delay this arrival”. For this reason, a reduction in income has been imposed on the country and the land borders are kept closed.

Symptoms of the delta variant

The variant, also known as B.1.6172, is distinguished by its ability to replicate faster than others, and exhibits symptoms that they can be mistaken for a cold.

As explained by Tim Spector, epidemiologist at King’s College London and director of the Zoe Covid Symptom Study, patients infected with this new variant reported the following symptoms: headache, sore throat and runny nose.


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