COVID-19: Uruguay has already applied 1 million booster doses


Woman receives dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo (Photo: EFE / Federico Anfitti)
Woman receives dose of Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine in Montevideo (Photo: EFE / Federico Anfitti)

Uruguay surpassed million COVID-19 vaccine booster doses given on Tuesday, what does that suppose nearly a third of its population.

According to the COVID-19 vaccination data monitor developed by the Uruguayan Ministry of Public Health (MSP), 1,000,859 people (28% of the population) received a third dose since it began to be administered in the South American country on August 16.

The booster dose plan, for which inoculation with the American pharmaceutical vaccine Pfizer was planned, It is intended for people vaccinated with Chinese Coronavac and also for immunocompromised people who have received Pfizer, Coronavac or Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca.

In addition, the MSP approved on September 30 the third dose of Pfizer for healthcare workers, which was already inoculated from the start with two doses of the American vaccine.

Until Tuesday evening 2,585,169 people (72.97% of the population) have completed their vaccination schedules with Chinese pharmaceutical companies Sinovac, Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca and the American Pfizer; as, 152,982 people were inoculated with only the first dose.

A health worker prepares a vaccine in Uruguay (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)
A health worker prepares a vaccine in Uruguay (Photo: EFE / Raúl Martínez)

In August, the World Health Organization (WHO) called for a global moratorium on the third dose of vaccines and the postponement of adolescent vaccination in wealthy countries so that At least 10% of the population of each country be immunized, a demand that has not received sufficient support from nations.

Although only Uruguay, Chile and Canada exceed 70% of the fully vaccinated population, more countries in the Latin American region plan to provide a third dose.

Costa Rica announced a new purchase of vaccines for this third batch; to The Savior more than 5,000 people have already applied the third dose and Panama It has also been received by immunocompromised patients since last Wednesday.

Uruguay has accumulated 389,363 cases and 6,059 deaths from COVID-19 since the health emergency was declared on March 13, 2020 due to the detection of the first four infections.

(With information from EFE)


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