Covid Delta strain: What are the 8 new symptoms that you discovered? | the Chronicle


The variantDeltacoronavirus It does not give a truce in European and Asian countries that were believed to be out of risk after advancing the vaccination plan and continues to demonstrate its high danger across the world.

The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confirmed this by pointing out that the strain already had detected in 100 countries, and stated that “it is spreading rapidly in countries with low and high vaccination coverage”.

Workers dig graves for the dead and disinfect the area. Source: (Telam)

India is undoubtedly one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, with nearly 403 thousand dead and an average of 3,000 deaths per day from the virulent increase in cases in April and May attributed to the Delta variant.

From the medical studies that have been carried out on patients with Covid-19 in the Asian nation, a group of specialists have managed to detect new symptoms, which they believe could be linked to the variant also known as of B.1.617.

The infectologist at Apollo Hospital in Chennai, Abdul Ghafur |, indicated that the virus is become more and more “unpredictabletarget” as new variants emerge. Meanwhile, following numerous observations and investigations, they have identified that the strain of coronavirus first identified in India could cause gangrene, hearing loss and disorders severe gastric.

An 86-year-old woman who developed gangrene on the fingers of her hand from Covid. Source: (Clarin)

The most common symptoms in coronavirus patients compared to the first wave were: diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, hearing loss and joint pain.

In addition, Mumbai cardiologist Ganesh Manudhane reported to Bloomberg that other patients have developed serious small blood clots which result in the death of affected tissue and developed gangrene. In addition: two infected people had to have their fingers or a foot amputated because of this problem.

Meanwhile, gangrene untreated within 24 hours could reduce the chances of survival to 50 percent, as detailed in Mirror. Alarms are triggered because they indicate that you can affect any part of the body, although it usually starts in the fingers or toes. And they start with redness and swelling, pain or sores in the affected area.

On the other hand, as detailed Bugle, an otolaryngol from Mumbai hospital warned of hearing loss, swelling around the neck and severe tonsillitis as reported to him from patients with Covid.


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