Covid survivors are said to be 60% more likely to die – News


Our study shows that up to six months after diagnosis, the risk of death even after a mild case is not trivial and increases with the severity of the disease.Lead author Dr Ziyad Al-Aly told local media.

And then he added: “Doctors need to be vigilant when assessing people who have had Covid-19. These patients will need integrated, multidisciplinary care.”

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As they indicated, the research was based on cataloging the various illnesses linked to the passage of the coronavirus and describing long-term complications.

In this direction, a “huge burden” has been revealed that this disease will impose on global society in the years to come.

For this research, scientists at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis used 87 thousand patients with Covid-19 and nearly 5 million control patients from a federal database.

It is no exaggeration to say that the long-term health consequences

Finally, Dr Ziyad Al-Aly noted: “This is the next great health crisis in the United States. As more than 30 million Americans have been infected with this virus and the prolonged burden of Covid-19 is considerable, the lingering effects of this disease will resonate for many years, if not decades. “


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