Covid vaccination: why Indonesia goes against the whole world


Indonesia is carrying out an unusual vaccination campaign against Corona virus.

The country hardest hit by the Southeast Asian pandemic (846,000 infections), and which has accumulated more than 28,000 deaths until the last week of January, has decided to vaccinate young people first.

A completely different strategy from that of most countries, which started with the oldest people, that is to say the most vulnerable because they can develop more severe symptoms.

With a population of nearly 270 million, Indonesia has prioritized the vaccination of the workforce, which accounts for 80% of infections.

According to BBC information, the country’s Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, defended the country’s strategy, assuring that the decision to start with the youngest is not an economic question, but rather to “protect people and target first. Those who are likely to contract and spread the disease.

The Asian country applies the Chinese vaccine Sinovac.


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