Covid vaccine: How many doses of Sputnik V has each province received?


Within hours of leaving a fourth flight to Moscow, most of the 300,000 complete (two-component) vaccine schedules Sputnik V The arrivals in the first two planes were effectively distributed among the provinces, which are now awaiting the delivery of more doses to advance the vaccination and avoid the cancellation of the assigned teams.

At the same time, according to a stock survey by component and by district, during the first week of this month at least 52% of the 200,000 doses of the third flight to Argentina were distributed. 20,000 other vaccines continued their journey to Bolivia.

So far, all these doses are for health workers, in what is the initial phase of national vaccination campaign against Covid-19. In some districts, depending on the availability of doses and following the recommendation of Anmat, they moved forward with the professionals over 60 years old. Even so, these first 300,000 programs – which have yet to be completed in the jurisdictions – are enough to protect just over a third (36.5%) of the priority health workforce, public and private system.

821,394 health workers are assigned to intensive care areas that must be reached, according to the Ministry of Health of the Nation, in a plan for a total of 14,492,299 Argentines divided into six priority groups.

So far, the country has obtained 800,000 doses of Sputnik V. THE NATION revealed how the cast was effective from information from governorates or ministries of health in each district when they receive units. According to these data, they received 98.9% of the first component that arrived on the December 24 flight, no less than 96.9% of the second component on the January 16 flight and, according to data from 22 of the 24 districts , 52% of the January 28 flight load.

Yesterday from Ministry of Health indicated that they had sent 403,320 units of the first component of the Sputnik (Initially, it was reported that between the first and third flight 400,000 units had arrived) and 291,960 of the second component (out of 400,000 doses reported from the second and third flights). For official records, there are 337,533 vaccinated with the first dose and 196,543 with the full schedule.

Tonight, the fourth flight leaves for Moscow to bring more doses of Sputnik V
Tonight, the fourth flight leaves for Moscow to bring more doses of Sputnik VAFP

Catamarca, San Juan, Santiago del Estero and Río Negro They did not update their total as of the second component date, with the second batch being distributed towards the end of January. This, for the estimate, translates to a difference of just over 7,000 doses. What they notified to the nominalized register until yesterday is the amount of these doses applied: 2398 in Catamarca, 2223 in San Juan, 4472 in Santiago del Estero and 4225 in Río Negro.

In general, the information to the public on the doses received and applied is not up to date or varies considerably, even with the registration of the notification between the provinces and the Nation.

In the first week of this month, local immunization programs again received a few more doses of the first component which they are using, in any case, to complete the first phase of the campaign with health professionals or professionals. staff. At the same time, they specify that the advance of the vaccination depends on the sending of more doses by the Nation.

The Province of Buenos Aires, for example, it is the district with the highest proportion assigned to each expedition, because it is the most populated. To date, its stock includes 123,000 complete schedules and 45,000 doses of the first component. As stated at THE NATION, the health portfolio in charge of Ginés González García It has already confirmed the 45,000 doses of the second component to complete this second batch of programs. The same is repeated in other jurisdictions, although they prefer not to talk about dates.

Health workers take priority in the first stage of the national immunization campaign
Health workers take priority in the first stage of the national immunization campaignSantiago Hafford – LA NACION

In The Pampas, with the arrival of 1,500 doses of the first component after the arrival of the third flight, the local government reported through the provincial news agency that the national health ministry’s criteria for distribution included ” advancement of the goal [las vacunas aplicadas a la población objetivo en tiempo y forma], 100% of the notification of the doses applied and the cooling capacity available in the province ”.

So far, according to district reports, this vaccination rate has been uneven. Also, when it comes to deliveries, there were provinces that had to reject and request dose replacement due to cold loss, such as Chubut or Catamarca. ChacoInstead, he reported that with the first 7,650 doses assigned, he was able to immunize 8,180 people. As did? “We were able to recover 530 doses of a surplus that each bottle brings,” said the provincial Minister of Health. Paola Benitez. Each bottle brings five doses and a surplus “which is taken for losses.” This recovered surplus allowed health workers to be vaccinated, ”Benítez said.

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