Covid: WHO issues terrible warning on new Delta Plus variant | the Chronicle


This Saturday, Melita Vujnovich talked about Russia In the name of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Delta Plus variant. The new strain of coronavirus first recorded in India He demonstrated greater contagion capacity, and those who suffer from it turned out to have more chances of hospitalization.

In consultation with the agency TASS Vujnovich referred Delta Plus, fingernail variant of the Delta strain whose transmission capacity would be exponentially more powerful: “The preliminary data we receive from India indicates that it is enough to walk without a mask next to a person infected with Delta Plus to get sick” did he declare.

The Russian spokeswoman also mentioned that the new mutation has already appeared in the Slavic country, and like other variants of the coronavirus, it appears to affect the young people. The reasons for this trend are not yet known.

If I have been vaccinated against Covid, do I have to wear a chin strap?

The spokesperson recommended wearing a chin strap even if you have already been vaccinated.

Faced with new changes in SARS-CoV-2, the spokesperson recommended that vaccinated people continue to wear masks: “Even if you are vaccinated or have suffered from the disease, you must wear a mask. Because even if a vaccinated person does not get sick, the virus will continue to pass through their body, they will become smarter and, at some point, this virus will be transmitted to another person, even asymptomatic“he explained.

Vujnovich mentioned recommendations for the maintenance and hygiene of the chin strap, such as storing it in hygienic packaging and remembering to change it every two hours. He added that if the mask gets wet or damp, it is best to put on a new one immediately.

On the other hand, the spokesperson raised doubts about the vaccination of those who were infected with Covid-19 and managed to recover from it: “If you have antibodies, it doesn’t mean the vaccine will harm you.. This is absolutely wrong. Despite the level of antibody titers, it is possible to be vaccinated safely“, he assured.

Will the Covid pandemic end in 2021?

WHO’s COVAX program has failed to meet several vaccine sharing targets, and its largest supplier does not plan to export doses until the end of the year.

Faced with the possibility of ending the global pandemic this year, Vujnovich was optimistic. Admitted that sees the coronavirus brake possible in 2021, but pointed out that this feat will depend on the responsibility of society as a whole.

For the moment, the official is putting her hopes in the global immunization plan, which she says will end the pandemic. However, given the advance of new variants of the virus, he again stressed that it will be everyone’s responsibility to continue with the protocols and measures necessary to stop its passage.

Similarly, the Director-General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus assigned the lack of vaccines the advance of the virus. During a press conference this Friday, the head of the organization criticized the rich countries for refusing to immediately share doses with the developing world: “If there are no vaccines, what do you share?”.

Ghebreyesus recalled the similar situation that humanity experienced during the AIDS crisis and later the swine fever pandemic of 2009, two occasions when vaccines reached poor countries. after the end of the pandemic:

It took 10 years (for injections) to reach low income countries after (HIV) it was already endemic in high income countries“, criticism.”Do we want to repeat the same thing?”.


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