“Covidiota”: the new definition of the RAE for anti-quarantine


The Royal Spanish Academy has added different words directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic to its dictionary. From the institution that is dedicated to linguistic regularization in the Spanish-speaking world, they were in charge of sumar different terms derived from the coronavirus that have been adapted into everyday language over the past year.

Coronaplause, baby coronavirus or coronavirology and coronavirologist are just a few of the many terms that the RAE has added to its historical dictionary. One of those who got the most attention from crown idiot, the word that defines those already recognized as anti-quarantinePeople who deny the existence of the virus and do not follow health regulations to prevent its spread, such as using a mask, alcoholic gel or observing social distancing.

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Some terms added by the RAE

Crown Idiot

It is an adjective that refers to person who refuses to comply with health regulations dictated to prevent the spread of covid.

Baby crown

It is a name that describes the babies born during the coronavirus pandemic.


It is an adjective which means that precedes the Covid or Covid pandemic. It has several synonyms such as precoronavirus, precoronavirus, and precovid.


A name that refers to vocabulary created or activated in use during the Covid pandemic. It has some synonyms such as coronalanguage or coronalanguage.


This is the compilation of pwords created or activated during the pandemic of the Covid.


A name that refers to Synchronized applause from the population to salute the work of essential workers during the coronavirus pandemic.

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