Create a "magic potion" to avoid a hangover | Chronic


A laboratory in the American city of San Francisco claims to have found the definitive remedy against hangover.

It's a genetically modified probiotic to take before ingesting a beer or a glass of wine and that serves to prevent severe headaches and discomfort the next day .

"It is a drink containing a genetically modified probiotic that breaks one of the toxic derivatives of alcohol consumption called ethanal, responsible for the most serious pain the day after consumption"said the CEO and co-founder of ZBiotics, Zack Abbott.

This "Magic potion" which is promoted under the motto "Baby like there was tomorrow" It comes in translucent bottles of only 15 milliliters and is intended for sale to the public via the Internet and in some physical stores in the United States.

In front of criticism, its creators have assured that "limit" copy a natural process and whose sole purpose is to try to ensure that those who like to drink do not have a bad time afterwards.

"It is a drink containing a genetically modified probiotic that breaks one of the toxic derivatives of alcohol consumption called ethanal, responsible for the worst discomfort of the day after drinking.Abbott added, who is fascinated by the study of bacteria and their potential, which needs to be modified and, as a result, the implementation of beneficial processes for humans.

"Generally, there are several symptoms that people feel after drinking, such as lack of sleep, dehydration of the mouth, etc. I had no choice, so we used science to move forward and help to find a natural solution to the problem. "He concluded.

The product has a market value of $ 9, although it varies depending on the number of units purchased.


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