Creepy TikTok Account: Food Delivery Guy Revealed He Made a Delivery to a ‘Parallel World’ | the Chronicle


The world of the paranormal is fascinating for those who believe in esotericism and the mysterious, as a story starring a delivery person of Rappi who recounted a particular experience he had during a delivery in the Mexican region of Mérida.

It is Marcelo González, who claims to have entered a farm in perfect condition while working as a delivery man for the said company. The downside to this story is that the hacienda mentioned has been abandoned for years. However, the delivery man saw her even with torches lit.

According to her account, her experience began when she accepted a asked because the address was close but the delivery man didn’t know what to expect. González, a former delivery boy after this experience, discovered that he had visited an abandoned place during a delivery and thus recounted it in TIC Tac.

According to the testimony of the delivery man, his phone started blinking and changed the address, a lot further.

He took it up hacienda of Cholul, but he didn’t even know her, so when he entered the place, apparently in good condition and illuminated, he didn’t suspect a thing.

As no one arrived, he decided to leave and on his way, again The first address appeared and he delivered the order. However, some time later, the delivery guy found out what had happened.

The delivery guy told the story on TikTok.

When he told the story to carpenters, they let him know that in the area where The haunted hacienda of Cholul has been located.

And, looking for pictures on the internet, she knew that it was long abandoned and tried to come back, but the path was now full of branches and could not pass.


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