Crime in class: a student killed a teacher in a school in Brazil – 30/04/2019


A student from Cielo Azul Public School, located in Valparaíso, Goiás, Brazil, shot and killed a teacher in the clbadroom. The teacher, coordinator of the teaching unit, died on the spot.

According to the military police of the municipality, the second-year high school student had a discussion with another teacher in the morning. And there, they had communicated the decision of expel him from the institution. In the afternoon, he returned home armed and at that time, the coordinator intervened and was shot.

The school is located in Valparaíso, Goiás, Brazil.

The school is located in Valparaíso, Goiás, Brazil.

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The victim received four shots, according to Goiás military police, was identified as Julio César Barroso de Sousa, 41 years old. The homicide occurred in the afternoon at the school located 35 km from Brasilia.

The murderer escaped and had not been arrested yet. He is identified and is minor. The case comes a little over a month after the Raul Brasil public school mbadacre in Suzano, San Pablo. There, two former students murdered eight people and then committed suicide.

Due to the tragedy, the Federal District Government (GDF) decided on March 19 to strengthen security in public schools, especially after a series of threats.


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