Criminal case against Salgado Macedonio closed for rape: Guerrero prosecutor’s office


Press conference, State Attorney General Jorge Zuriel de los Santos Barrila (Video: Facebook / State Attorney General of Guerrero)

Jorge Zuriel de los Santos, owner of State Attorney General (FGE) from Guerrero, reported that one of the criminal cases under investigation against Félix Salgado Macedonio for his alleged responsibility in the crime of willful violation, lost criminal action due to statute of limitations.

During a press conference held this Monday, March 1, De los Santos Barrila specified that at the prosecutor’s office he heads there are two complaints against the senator holding a license from the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), one is still being “improved” and the other no longer has the force of law.

According to what was raised by the local official, Office of the prosecutor specializing in crimes against women and human trafficking of Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) received the complaint on November 17, 2020, which was sent to the Guerrero prosecutor’s office for consideration.

One of the cases against Salgado Macedonio time-barred (Photo: Twitter / @FelixSalMac)
One of the cases against Salgado Macedonio time-barred (Photo: Twitter / @FelixSalMac)

Later, during the investigation, it was discovered that the alleged crime committed by the candidate for governor had occurred in December 1998, 22 years and two months ago since the publication date of this note, which is why the FGE proceeded in accordance with the law and clarified this prescribed case.

“Between this date and the presentation of the complaint, the prescription of the penal action operated”, explained the local prosecutor about the investigation file 12030270400032070121 against Salgado Macedonio.

To clarify what he is referring to, De los Santos Barrila clarified that it is this resource and the authorities that swallow it: “Prescription is a legal figure incorporated into the Penal Code of the State of Guerrero, in force in moment when the facts, What It serves to identify the extinction of the criminal action or the punitive state claim by the simple passage of time“, specific.

Felix Salgado, senator from Morena with a license, seeks to be governor of Guerrero (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Felix Salgado, senator from Morena with a license, seeks to be governor of Guerrero (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

However, the request sought by the alleged victim could remain in which the elapsed time is recalculated according to the current jurisdiction that the designated person had during the public service he held. In this regard, the examination of the origin of the case appealing to the jurisdiction of Salgado Macedonio, the Guerrero prosecutor estimated the trajectory of the accused in public life: federal deputy, municipal president and senator twice. However, there was a period in which he devoted himself to the private sector, “Accordingly, according to the arithmetic mean of the applicable sentence for the crime of rape in 1998, to date, criminal action is extinguished“.

Regarding the following research dossier current against the dismissed senator, the prosecutor said the process was still open, which is why Urged the alleged victim to approach the relevant authorities so that they can provide the necessary support to be able to deal with the case.

Félix Salgado Macedonio is accused of raping at least five women from 1998 to date (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Félix Salgado Macedonio is accused of raping at least five women from 1998 to date (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

“We tried to establish contact with the direct victim and with anyone who directly assists him to let him know that The Attorney General’s office has the capacity to provide specialized legal, supportive, medical and psychological care“Said the prosecutor about the case 12030270100002020117, initiated by the alleged victim who identifies as “JDG”.

Specifically, Jorge Zuriel De los Santos said that the process “is in the process of improvement or integration, for this reason Various procedures have been carried out to determine, in a timely manner, whether the necessary test data exists or not. to proceed in accordance with the law ”.

This means that the Guerrero FGE is pursuing the case based on its ability to decide whether the party activist of Andrés Manuel López Obrador he is responsible or not for the charges imputed to him.


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