"The complaint concerns a series of companies that are backed by the fund's dollars and where very few are earning a lot of money.We will continue the cause because this debt will not be paid by people, they will have to pay those who are they have taken "said the president of the Confederation of the People's Economy (CTEP)
In the judicial presentation, the social manager asks for total and absolute nullity of the agreement, the aim of the agreement being to guarantee a fictitious scenario of stability of the foreign exchange market to the detriment of political sovereignty .
This is a faculty "Exclusivity of the National Congress to organize the payment of the internal and external debt of the Nation as well as loans and decrees of credit operations in case of emergency of the Nation or of companies of national utility ", says the lawyer.
In statements to the reporter Roberto Navarrostressed that "the debt was incurred to finance the escape of capitals "and said" whoever wins in elections wins the bomb explodes. "
"To explain what schools, hospitals and neighborhoods were made with the IMF loan, as this only served to finance the escape and to keep this time bomb", fought Grabois.
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