Crisis in Chile: A motorist crashed a group of protesters and killed one


What began as a peaceful claim on a route to San Pedro, Chile, ended with one dead and 19 woundedafter a motorist has passed to a group of neighbors.

The incident occurred Tuesday night, in full curfew, when a group of protesters gathered to make a cacerolazo, in a context marked by the crisis that is going through the trans-Andean country.

At one point, a man in a red car accelerated on people, wounded 19 and killed one. When he stopped, the neighbors pulled him out of the car and lynched him. The police had to intervene to be killed. The protesters, inflamed by the situation, turned the vehicle and broke it.

A few hours earlier, President Sebastián Piñera delivered a speech in which apologized to his compatriots and announced changes to the minimum wage, increased pensions and improved health care. "This social agenda will not solve all the problems that affect Chilean families, but it is a huge effort to improve the quality of life," he said.

"I know that some are calling for emergency and curfew to be lifted, we all want it, but as President, it is my duty to lift it when I have it. assurance that public order, public security and property, both public and private, are properly managed. " protected, "confirmed the president.


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