Crisis in Chile: WADAF repudiated the attacks on the TN team during the incidents


The Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (ADEPA) has repudiated the attacks on the journalist Ignacio Otero and the cameraman Federico Gandolfi, the team of TN sent to Chile, in full coverage of the demonstrations in Santiago. Both received rubber balls fired by the police.

The entity said via its Twitter account: "We we are united with journalist @otero_nacho and cameraman Federico Gandolfi of @todonoticias who have been hurt this afternoon when they were hit by the rubber bullets that the police shot at the protesters in Santiago de Chile ".

The attacks took place at 5:25 pm on Tuesday and fully covered the violent demonstrations in Santiago de Chile, which originated from the increase in the metro, a measure that was later dropped by the president. Sebastian Piñera try to reduce the tension in the street.

At that time, Gandolfi focused his target on four policemen 25 meters away, and that's where they fought back with rubber bullets. There were a few seconds during which TN lost the signal, and immediately the driver of He passes José Antonio Gil Vidal He asked if they were ok until he found the connection again.

The wound that caused a rifle bullet to journalist Ignacio Otero (Photo:
The wound that caused a rifle bullet to journalist Ignacio Otero (Photo:

"Sorry, I just have a rubber bullet in the forearm.They also gave my cameraman to Gandolfi," Otero said. The carabineers continued firing after two and a half hours of descent on La Alameda Boulevard. "They throw away anywhere", said the reporter.

Both suffered superficial wounds and continued to transmit. The rubber bullets that they received showed that the police they pointed halfway upeven when they just shot 25 meters distance.


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