Crisis in Ecuador, minute by minute: they deploy the army in the streets of Quito


This Saturday, the capital of Ecuador was the scene of a violent wave of demonstrations indigenous peoples with the rejection of economic measures implemented by the government. The riots began around noon, when a large number of protesters headed to the city center with the intention of taking over the National Assembly and the state controller.

In a context of multiple street cuts, takeovers and clashes between armed forces and Protestants, the President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, announced the "curfew and militarization" from Quito and its surroundings. "This will facilitate the execution of the public force against the intolerable excesses of violence," he said. Twitter.

They deploy the army in the streets of Quito

Units of the Ecuadorian army in the streets of the capital (Photo: EFE / Welcome Velasco).
Units of the Ecuadorian army in the streets of the capital (Photo: EFE / Welcome Velasco).

According to the order of Moreno, units of the army Were Ecuadorians deployed in the streets from Quito in late afternoon.

Under Decree 893, the Armed Forces and the police can "take action to control public spaces, places of association and to collect and register people and vehicles to restore public order and security" .

They extend the restriction of circulation to the whole country

A man walks a street in Quito by bike (Photo: AFP / RODRIGO BUENDIA).
A man walks a street in Quito by bike (Photo: AFP / RODRIGO BUENDIA).

The armed forces of Ecuador have announced that the mobility restriction, in force during the state of emergency in strategic areas of the country, will be extended throughout the country.

In a statement, they reported: "Starting Saturday, October 12, 2019, at 3 pm and later 24 hours a dayas long as the exception state, mobility restrictions apply throughout the national territory. "

Media attacks

The attack of the Teleamazonas TV channel (Photo: AFP / Martin BERNETTI).
The attack of the Teleamazonas TV channel (Photo: AFP / Martin BERNETTI).

In the midst of the riots, hooded men entered the Ecuadorian television channel Teleamazonasor thrown molotov cocktails against the installations and they set fire to a mobile which was parked inside the property.

A second group of people also attacked the newspaper's facilities Trade.

Taking of the state controller

The protesters broke the doors of the State Comptroller's Office, which protects the documentation to deal with acts of corruption. Once inside, destroyed offices and illuminated files, causing fires on several floors.

The images released by the witnesses and news agencies describe the llamas and dense smoke columns present in the first floors of the establishment and nearby.

After what happened, the Minister of the Government, María Paula Romo, confirmed the detention of more than 30 people They were on the terrace of the building.

Clashes on the way to the National Assembly

Hundreds of Indians clashed melee against the security forces as they traveled on one of the main roads to the Congress.

Armed with stones, sticks and shields of fortune, they tried to break into the police with the intention of taking the National Assembly. However, they had to withdraw after the troops responded with grenades of tear gas, rubber balls and throws pressurized water.

News in development being updated.


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