Crisis in Venezuela: General of the Air Force recognizes Juan Guaidó as president and assures: 90% of the armed forces do not support Nicolás Maduro


"Today, with a patriotic and democratic pride, I inform you that I do not know the authoritarian and dictatorial authority of Mr. Nicolás Maduro and that I recognize the deputy Juan Guaidó as president in charge of the Republic. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, for which I am worthy of putting myself at your service, "he said. Yánez through a video posted on Twitter.

The General, who introduces himself as Director of Strategic Planning for the High Command of the Venezuelan Air ForceHe also badured that "90% of the armed forces do not support Nicolás Maduro", For what "the transition to democracy is imminent".

Yánez revealed that Maduro He prepares two planes every day and invites him to use them to leave the country immediately.


Multitudinal march in Venezuela to demand the resignation of Nicolás Maduro

In addition, he appealed to participate in the mobilizations called this Saturday for the defense of Guaidó.

"I ask my companions in arms not to turn their backs on the Venezuelan people and not to repress more," he added.

To integrate

The general recognizes @not a word as president and calls to ignore Maduro
It's Major General Francisco Esteban Yánez Rodríguez (7,101,984)
Chairman of the Standing Evaluation Committee of the General Command of Bolivarian Military Aviation.

– Sergio Contreras B :. (@ContrerasB) February 2, 2019

In response, the commander of the Venezuelan military aviation, Major General Pedro Alberto Juliac Lartiguez, said shortly after on Twitter that he "could not wait less than the TRAIDOR Francisco Esteban Yánez Rodríguez, nephew of the corrupt general Yánez Méndez, who certainly has a file in the Office of the Comptroller General of the Armed Forces for Corruption! "

In addition, Juliac stressed that Yánez "has no command or command over the troops and much less air units".

"He has no leadership in the Bolivarian military aviation, since he performs aviation planning functions," he said.


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