Crisis in Venezuela: in agreement with the Pope, the Argentine Church supports a mediated solution


Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó

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Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó

"The Holy See is not used historically to specifically condemn this government or this one"said the Episcopal Conference of Argentina (CEA) and said the pontiff will insist on his role as mediator.

This is the Pope's last message on the Bolivarian country. For the critics of President Nicolás Maduro It was a support to the chavist leader.

In this sense, since the episcopate has indicated that "Traditionally, they are placed in an airplane and in a place that is allowed to go in case the dialogue is activated".

The CEA welcomed the idea of ​​the pope to call for dialogue "so that there is no bloodshed and there is real reconciliation and the conflict can be resolved and resolved with a way forward".

In this line, the Bishop of San Isidro, Bishop Oscar Ojea, said that "the pope does not want to lose this place" as a mediator and regretted that after his return from Panama he noticed that In Buenos Aires "Maduro or not, it was the only thing that interested him."


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