Crisis in Venezuela: Juan Guaidó believes that Nicolás Maduro falls "at any moment" – 01/28/2019


Opposition leader Juan Guaidó, proclaimed "president in charge" of Venezuela, claimed that Nicolás Maduro's regime was "rotten inside" and its end "It can happen anytime".

In an interview published Monday in the Colombian newspaper The weatherGuaidó, head of Parliament, also stated that his leadership had "the power of the people and the law".

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

─ Beyond international pressure, do you see Maduro willing to leave power? Asks the journalist Edulfo Peña.

I think it's he does not want to leave power. But it's something that does not depend on one's will, but on facts. And the facts are stubborn.

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H How long do you think Maduro will withstand international pressure?

OutcomeThe result can occur at any time. You can not set a day or a time. But it will happen He runs a rotten regime inside. I can only badure you that international pressure and street pressure will not give way.

In recent hours, European powers have issued an ultimatum to Maduro to call elections, the United States has allowed Guaidó to control several Venezuelan bank accounts, the opposition has called for two more marches and even Pope Francisco said fear "the bloodshed".

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"We want free, fair and transparent elections for Venezuelans to express their will, but it is not possible while continuing." the usurpation of power", added the head of Parliament.

How are you going to make sure that the army supports you and not Maduro?

"In the National Assembly, we have approved an amnesty law that the military can accept. It's public and notorious huge dissatisfaction between the middle and lower levels of the National Armed Forces (NAF) due to the economic conditions of the country, the institution itself and its commitment to support the blow that consumed Maduro. We have told the military that we do not want them to support a party or a political party. Neither do they divide and face each other. We want them to respect and abide by the Constitution and the will of the citizens. It is useless for senior leaders to be committed to defending a failed model and a plan without a future.

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What margin of action will you have if you do not have the support of the army?

We have, and we demonstrate, many legal resources that will allow us to show where the real source of power is in Venezuela.

What does it take for the army to recognize him as president in charge?

Only one thing: that they respect the Constitution.

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Do you think that you may be arrested by the scheme?

I live with this risk every day since I took office as President of the National Assembly on January 5th. But in Venezuela, it is time to badume responsibilities and commitments. I guess mine. I do not evade them.

─ Do you fear for your life?

─No at all. I am very confident, but with the necessary precautions.

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In the past, some political solutions have failed because the opposition is divided. Do not you afraid to be left alone?

"The parties we act in the framework of the National Assembly have shown that beyond our natural differences, we are fundamentally united. We have been demonstrating this since the beginning of the current parliamentary year, January 5th. Respect the agreements and act in coordination.

Do you think that to have a political solution to the Venezuelan crisis, you must have Chavismo?

"No doubt. With the basic Chavismo that exists, and we do not deny it. Our fight is for them to have their political space and to be respected. That they act democratically and not like that happened in the official party where Maduro imposed his personal dictatorship. They are not interested in what is happening in Venezuela either.

Source: The weather of Bogotá and archives Clarin.


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