Crisis in Venezuela: Moyano defended Maduro and Mayor K paid tribute to Chávez


The head of the truckers said that the Venezuelan president was making a "huge effort" to prevent the United States. "stay" with oil; Ferraresi defends Venezuelan democracy Source: Archive – Credit: Fabián Marelli / LA NACION

The leader of the truckers,

Hugo Moyano

, defended the president of Venezuela,

Nicolás Maduro

and blamed the American president

Donald Trump

the crisis in this country. In an interview he gave last night to C5N, the unionist said he "was making a very important effort to prevent the Yankees from keeping all Venezuelan oil."

Position on the situation in Venezuela
It divides the waters between the ruling party and the opposition in Argentina. The government has recognized

Juan Guaidó

as interim president, while the crisis disturbs Peronism and areas close to Kirchnerism, similar to Chavism.

Maduro or Guaidó ?, they asked Moyano during the television report. The trucker has not hesitated to take a stand: "The policy that has been applied for a long time in Venezuela is to keep the oil, there is no doubt, all that happens in Venezuela was created by the l '; Trump friend ".

"The crisis has been aggravated by this infamous figure, all that Venezuelans are suffering from, is what was created to keep oil, that's the reality," he added.

When journalist Marcelo Zlotogwiazda asked him if he had "paid Maduro," Moyano replied, "He is making a huge effort to prevent the Yankees from keeping all of Venezuela's oil, their only wealth."

Regarding the electoral scenario, the trade union leader repeated that Cristina Kirchner "is the best candidate" to face Mauricio Macri in the next elections and declared that the unity of Peronism "is possible".

The tribute of a steward K

Despite Maduro's growing discredit, Avellaneda Mayor Jorge Ferraresi announced yesterday that March 5 will open in his district the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in honor of Hugo Chavez.

"In Avellaneda, we defend Venezuelan democracy," says the poster broadcast by the head of the municipality, one of Buenos Aires' leaders closest to Cristina Kirchner.


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