Crisis in Venezuela: Russia supports "friend Nicolás Maduro" and China refuses foreign interventions – 01/03/2019


Russia on Friday guaranteed the support of its ally Nicolás Maduro before what she considers "frontal badault and unashamed interference"in Venezuela, at a time when several Western countries support the leader of the opposition, Juan Guaidó.

"President Vladimir Putin conveys his support and solidarity to his friend Nicolás Maduro"Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at the beginning of a meeting with Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez in Moscow.

Rodriguez and Lavrov, in Muscovite soil. (AP)

Rodriguez and Lavrov, in Muscovite soil. (AP)

"We cooperate very closely with you and coordinate our actions on the international scene. This is of particular importance at a time when Venezuela is facing a frontal badault and unashamed interference in its internal affairs, "Lavrov was quoted as saying by the RIA-Novosti news agency.

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Rodriguez, for his part, considered that his country was "the victim of an American aggression"

We came to the Russian Federation to strengthen our strategic relationship! Pdte @NicolasMaduro consolidates Cáte Chávez's journey and expands bilateral and international cooperation! We are building a world of justice, peace and balance! Venezuela will continue to win!

– Delcy Rodríguez (@DrodriguezVen) February 28, 2019

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Venezuela is immersed in the worst political and economic crisis in its history, marked by hyperinflation and shortage of staples.

Guaidó, president of the opposition-controlled National Assembly, was proclaimed acting president on Jan. 23 on appeal from the Constitution.

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More than 50 nations have publicly acknowledged it. Maduro and his allies denounce an attempted coup d'etat promoted by the USA

The Chinese position

China on Friday defended the UN Security Council veto before the US resolutions on Venezuela calling for free elections.

Considers that the crisis of the Caribbean country must be resolved "independently" and "no external interference", according to Chinese Chancellery spokesman Lu Kang.

Maduro travels to China with President Xi Jinping for an official visit in 2018. (Reuters)

Maduro travels to China with President Xi Jinping for an official visit in 2018. (Reuters)

Beijing maintains "peaceful solution and stability" and declares itself contrary to "foreign interference in the internal affairs" of a country and "military intervention".

Amnesty for the dictator?

Guaidó said in Brasilia, where he was received Thursday by President Jair Bolsonaro, who does not exclude Maduro's amnesty.

"We will offer amnesties and guarantees to civilian and military officials who collaborates with the end of the usurpation, with the transitional government and free elections, he said. This may or may not include Nicolás Maduro. "

Bolsonaro and Guaidó. The ultra-right Brazilian has recognized the "president in charge" of Venezuela. (Bloomberg)

Bolsonaro and Guaidó. The ultra-right Brazilian has recognized the "president in charge" of Venezuela. (Bloomberg)

In statements to the newspaper Folha The opposition leader said: "Since January 5, we think about the transition of Venezuela, the future of our country, it is our goal, we know that the usurpation must end. There is a dictatorship in Venezuela"

In Brazil, Guaidó warned that his country was planning to return to his country in the coming days, while the regime was threatening to stop it.

The president of the Venezuelan Parliament arrived in Paraguay on Friday to meet with President Mario Abdo Benitez.

Mario Abdo Benítez and Guaidó. (EFE)

Mario Abdo Benítez and Guaidó. (EFE)

Guaidó represents "the hope of a whole people" and they expect it "the pages of glory"said Benítez at the Government Palace, located in the capital Asunción.

After this stage on the ground Guarani, the Venezuelan chef He went to Argentina to talk with Mauricio Macri.

From Portugal to Russia

The Maduro Diet announced this Friday that will move to Moscow the European office of the national oil company PDVSA, currently located in Lisbon.

This is a measure that is part of the closer to Russia. Vice President Delcy Rodríguez also closed the purchase of food and remedies to solve "what the people of Venezuela needs".

USA warns and punishes

Assistant Secretary of State Kimberly Breier warned that the United States would not tolerate the regime throwing Guaidó into jail: "It would be terrible … If it is, it may be to be the last mistake that he will make. " "

Breier was with the leader of the opposition in Brasilia.

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In contrast, the US government sanctioned Friday 6 security officials loyal to Maduro for obstructing the entry of humanitarian aid.

The list includes the commander of the Bolivarian National Guard, Major General Richard Jesús López Vargas; Jesús María Mantilla Oliveros, head of a unit responsible for strengthening security at the border with Brazil; the holders of Defense in the States of Bolívar, General Alberto Mirtiliano Bermúdez Valderrey, and Táchira, José Leonardo Noroño Torres.

sources: AFP, ANSA, EFE, Europa Press. AEZ


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