Crisis in Venezuela: Why some soldiers wear blue ribbons on their faces or arms


"The gang identifies Venezuelans with or without uniforms who are activated for the cessation of the theft," said Carlos Vecchio. Source: AP – Credit: Ariana Cubillos

Since this morning, the Venezuelan military postcard has been repeated in Caracas to show its support to the president in charge,

Juan Guaidó,

with a blue ribbon on their faces or their arms.

"The gang identifies Venezuelans with or without connection who are activated to end the usurpation," said Carlos Vecchio, "ambbadador" of the government of Guaidó in the United States.

Blue ribbons represent support for Guaidó
Blue ribbons represent support for Guaidó Source: AP – Credit: Ariana Cubillos

Guaidó at dawn today
Venezuelans next to the leader of the opposition

Leopoldo Lopez

– released shortly before by the anti-Chavez forces – to call the uprising of the Venezuelan army in order to achieve "the cessation of the usurpation of power" on the part of

Nicolás Maduro.

"Our armed forces, today brave soldiers, brave patriots, brave men attached to the constitution, came to our call, we met in the streets of Venezuela," Guaidó said in a video published on Twitter at the doors of La Carlota

The rebel army uses blue as a badge
The rebel army uses blue as a badge Source: AP – Credit: Ariana Cubillos

However, the Maduro government denounced the incident as a "coup attempt" and said the situation was under control. In this sense, the Minister of Defense, General Vladimir Padrino López, reported "normality" in the barracks.

The National / GDA


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