Cristiano Rattazzi, against Grabois: "Far from power, we can say any picot"


Cristiano Rattazzi on the proposal of Grabois


In the midst of the controversy over recent statements of
Juan Grabois, on the possibility of a
land reform, the CEO of Fiat Argentina,
Cristiano Rattazzirejected the idea and described it as an isolated proposition. "Far from power, you can tell everything," said Rattazzi, in dialogue with the program's panel
Small table, from
LN +.

"Do you think the time has come to propose this?" Asked Rattazzi about
Declarations Grabois. The president of
FCA Argentina attributed the proposal to a modality adapted to the current context. "In electoral mode, what can be used for the campaign is said," he said. Nevertheless, he added, ironically: "In Argentina, I imagine anything."

Rattazzi said that the TRP's referent's proposal is an isolated issue that does not have the support of the presidential candidate of the Front of All. "Alberto Fernández is not Kirchner, it is something else," said the investigator, without giving further details.

Similarly, the CEO of Fiat Argentina badyzed the political situation and, questioned about recent economic measures and dollar restrictions, he stressed that in the Argentine market, "no car manufacturer has the money to convert dollars in foreign currency ". On the other hand, Rattazzi pointed out that although he understands the decision of the president
Mauricio Macri to restore the retentions, given "urgency with the IMF", they have been described as "horrible tax".

Cristiano Rattazzi: "No civilized country has retention"


"No civilized country has export retention," Rattazzi said. Whatever the case may be, the reference of the world of the automobile has highlighted the opening of the government with the world, in connection with the G20 summit and the Mercosur agreement with the European Union. He also reviewed the progress made in institutions, such as a "credible Indec".

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