Cristina asked permission to travel to Cuba


The proposal was made through the intermediary of his lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, who provided the Federal Court with a copy of the notes and informed that he would stay in the same hotel as he was at the time. his previous visit, explained judicial sources.

The Court has not yet decided to authorize the trip, which would not coincide with hearings of the oral trial that has been held until Monday in federal retirement courts. Justices Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Andrés Bbado had allowed him to miss hearings if they overlapped his parliamentary activities as a national senator.

In fact, last Monday the senator and deputy legal adviser to the deputy chair did not attend the trial in the federal retirement courts because she had held parliamentary activities in the upper house.

Before ruling, the court sought the opinion of trial attorney Diego Luciani. If she does not have parliamentary activity next Monday, the former president will have to attend a new trial hearing that is currently taking place with her former Federal Planning Minister. Julio De Vidoand the entrepreneur Lázaro Báez for the direction of public works in Santa Cruz in Kirchnerism.

Cristina de Kirchner has gone twice to see Florencia, who has permission from the Federal Courts 5, who will judge her for the Los Sauces case, to remain in Cuba under medical treatment for lymphedema and post-traumatic stress.


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