Cristina awaits Macri's call | Chronic


By Roberto Di Sandro
71 years at Casa Rosada
[email protected]

Trump helps Macri

The American president, Donald Trump, has agreed to support the economic program of the Argentine government. At the same time, he recommended – or rather gave direct instructions to the IMF – to grant the credit in case he asked for it. Mauricio Macri, taking into account the serious economic situation in our country. This stems from the telephone communication between the two presidents, which was generated by the Argentine president. Renewed support from North America to Argentina has been realized by the top executive David Lipton, after the Trump directive. The IMF worked quickly and the Central Bank began to control the dollar's fluctuations. On the other hand, the presence in Argentina of Kimberly BreierSpecial envoy of the State Department of the powerful northern country, he has attracted more support for a new economic recovery of Argentina, undoubtedly motivated by a new indebtedness of the country, which will pay as always the people Argentine.

Meanwhile, a shocking political event has been recorded in the country. He reappeared in front of a crowd of citizens, of different political colors, the former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who presented his book "Sincerely", which managed to exceed all that was planned, not only for the sale, but for the concentration of the scores in the television channels. The act has become a real official channel to see Cristina at the Book Fair. There were not only special guests, more than 1,000, but also on the outskirts of the rural society, where an unusual crowd shouted "Cristina presidenta" for the next presidential term. Chronic He has treated all the details of each of the mentions mentioned in this description, which we will now develop with other data which, in some cases, are exclusive.

He saw it and recorded it

They imagine the versions that were woven to determine whether the president saw or not the former head of state at the La Rural event. Some claimed that he "dealt with other problems" and "did not see him". Others said "their other eyes" ( Marcos Peña and Gustavo Lopetegui) "They told him". Macri had the intention to move to the act of Hernán Lombardi, which was decorated by the Government of France, but then changed and stayed in Olivos "to discuss a series of topics". However, as no one can say that it has become invisible to say what he was doing, we also receive these two versions that are perhaps closer to reality: one, that's 39, he saw directly, and the other, who "He recorded the act to see him a little later". Opinion did not comment publicly, but ordered another measure. This yes that can deny it, but leaving many doubts.

The social contract

The former president announced a social contract to pull the country out of this desperate situation. Without a doubt, all the political parties invited to judge the Decalogue of the government have also done the same, not only the day the executive power has carried it out, but much earlier. But of course, the one who has twice been president has attracted the attention of the whole world.

At one point, Cristina spoke – after a long time not to do so – of Juan Domingo Perón, praising this time and the benefits that he left to the working clbad. Industry was alluded to in order to stimulate it as much as possible and to "produce investments from within". We remember those who knew the time – by living it and being able to say it – that from 1945, the industry was starting to be at the peak of our country's recovery, thanks to the programs developed by the chief presidency workers who then exercised twice more. Activity has flourished; consumption covered nearly one hundred per cent of Argentine life and unemployment disappeared. "There was real change in the country"said an old club figure from '45. And overcome: "Now we have to do the same thing with all the technologies that matter in the world, and now we need to" upgrade "Peron's five-year plans and the investments will be ours, without the desperation of waiting for them from abroad. ". It is necessary for someone to remember that it takes into account something that undoubtedly places Argentina at the top of the advanced country context.

Who would call him?

In this section, short and tasty, many messages are received from people. They suggest topics we publish, within the limits of possibilities, and others, for lack of space, remain in the chest of future editions. Therefore, what we always mention – the version, the unusual and often unpublished situations – sometimes becomes real.

We leave nothing unregistered, because our public deserves, if only, a brief mention of what it suggests. In any case, we try to confirm, even if it is a part, in order to broadcast it. That's why we order them with letters:

aTrump's special envoy, Kirmberly Breier – who leaves tomorrow – said: "The United States has a very special relationship with Argentina, we are determined to work with anyone who wins the elections". He gave a convincing answer to those who fear that Cristina will badume. The leader of the Yankees has expressed it to the world in a few interviews. But there is something that was not said: he saw the president. The media reveals contacts with several official authorities, with the exception of Macri. It was done, despite the fact that they deny it.

Let's go to b) at Casa Rosada, young K's statements seemed rather moderate Axel Kicillof, in the USA. They were even more surprised when he said: "There is to contribute to Macri can govern". Of course, later on, the government was hard and its way to bankrupt the country, but it showed some appreciations that "Moderate in the climate that the nation lives", held in positions close to the president.

c) The disorientation in many cases with this call, made by the government to different sectors of society, means that the information sought by the press sometimes gives way to different rumors that astonish, but that there is no reason to leave them out. In this case, for example, invitation notes were sent to all and some were called by phone. From there, we learned that whoever had "the votes" – Cristina – would wait for a direct call from the president.

Those who are looking for "the moment" and even mention someone who does, like Federico Pinedo, provisional Speaker of the Senate. This man practiced for almost a day the presidency of the nation, without having a single conflict and went into history as "The only president of a few hours in Argentina who can enjoy the chair of Rivadavia in absolute peace".

And now the d) is sporty but extremely pleasant. Last night, the journalist and writer Alfredo Di Salvo presented the book "El Tano Pasman, a fan like you" at the Book Fair. There were presences of all the colors, both sporting and political, trade union and cultural, which gave their support with a real ovation to this copy, which tells the story of being a football fan, noble, pbadionate and correct . It was worth it to be. In the next block, a strong request from the governor of Buenos Aires, which we consider exclusive.

"Price control and point"

At every step given by the president of the nation, he accompanies Maria Eugenia Vidal. The governor of the province of Buenos Aires, who slipped the other day shouting "president" – he did not want to contact any journalist – is the eternal companion of the highest leader in all the places he visits, not only in the suburbs, but also in different trips to the interior of the country.

There are three that do not separate: Macri, Vidal and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. They speak among themselves. They sometimes show a number of polls – the last shows that the big difference between Cristina and Macri has dropped a bit – and they maintain a constant dialogue on different topics. It is clear that the presence of the lady greatly encourages the head of state. That is why, according to those who know, so close to each other, the governor the other day, in the middle of a change of opinion, she became serious and threw herself into the pool with a "enough low price controls. You must be more efficient ". From then on, a meeting was held in Olivos so that the president, bringing together personalities from the world of commerce, would adopt more direct and more "positive measures in terms of price control". And logical.

The prices, first called "care" then "essential", have entered the history: they are not reached; they only increase day by day. Not only do we not reach the end of the month, but we do not reach the tenth day either.

Until seven days and Wednesday, we are, as always, on the screen of HD Chronicleat 22:30. Hot.


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