Cristina Fernández warned that "we should see and review" debt with the IMF – Telam


Presentation of Sincerely in the missions. Live.

Front candidate for the Front of All, Cristina Kirchner, said today that "when neoliberal policies are implemented, they lead to a crisis" and also stated that "people do not vote the president for blame the others or to be justified, to vote they solve the problems ", speaking to Posadas.

He also said, in speaking of the economic crisis that he had gone through in 2008, that "the task of the leader is to prevent people from suffering and to formulate efforts and policies, as we do." We did in 2008 and 2009 ".

The former head of state said that after the statements of Alberto Fernández, responsible for the formula of Todos Front, "he wants us to believe that we are against multinationals" , and added that on the contrary, under his presidency, he had signed a YPF contract with Chevron for the operation of Vaca Muerta. "The oil resource must have a differential internal price with what is exported," he said.

Then, the vice presidential candidate said that "we should see and review" the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and "ask what has been done, because no one doubts that the money has been paid "but" who will pay? "

The vice presidential candidate of Frente de Todos presents her book "Sincerely" in the province of Misiones.


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