Cristina Fernándezde Kirchner presents "Sincerely" to El Calafate


This Monday, October 14 at 18h, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner present your book "Sincerely"in El Calafate, the city that the former President of the Nation has repeatedly described as "her place in the world".

This will be at the newly opened Municipal Sports Centerl, a structure of more than 2,500 m2 that can accommodate about 3,500 people sitting in its stands and can accommodate about 7,000 people using the playground.

On August 23, the Microestadio was officially inaugurated by the mayor's leadership Javier Belloni after three years of execution of the works and an investment of 100 million pesos that the municipality has faced with its own funds. A volleyball match between the Argentinean and Brazilian national teams marked the opening of the brand new sports building.

The drama of Cristina Kirchner

It will be the second time that the vice-presidential candidate presents her literary work in Holy Cross. On July 13, he had already done it in the capital of the province, Río Gallegos, at the Bóxing club sports center in front of some 7,500 people. It was the fifth presentation of the book in the country and the political climate that preceded the August 11 STEP tainted the presentation of the former national president.

More than a review of the contents of the book, Cristina Kirchner took advantage of the presentations of the journalist and writer Marcelo Figueras who accompanied her on stage, to criticize the government for Mauricio Macri and his economic policy: "The dirty campaign worries me.When you have lied a lot and you have no proposal, you resort to the violent campaign," said Fernández de Kirchner, who added: " You can promise and not go out, but something else, that is lie.Here They said that workers would stop paying income tax, that grandparents would be better and that it would be better for them. they would have less expensive recourse, and what happened? "There is a big difference between what was said and where they took us." Fernández de Kirchner sentenced to the people of Rioja. showing that the campaign climate, both provincial and national, was at the center of concern.

A few months ago, CFK was hired by the community leader of Calafate to join the tourist village for the presentation of his book. Belloni – who was running for governor of Santa Cruz in the provincial legislative elections of August – lost by a narrow margin (3,200 votes) in the Todos Front against Alicia Kirchner, who won the elections and was re-elected 4 years earlier from the government. The results led Belloni to seek for the fourth time to be reelected mayor in the municipal elections of 27 October.

The literary presentation in El Calafate will be the return of Cristina Kirchner on the political agenda, after spending a few days in Havana, where he went to visit his daughter Florencia, where he stayed for health problems. Three days later, on October 17, the candidate for the vice presidency of the nation will be the protagonist with her partner, Alberto Fernández, of the act celebrating the Day of Peronist Loyalty that will be held in Santa Rosa (The Pampa).

Ten chapters and an epilogue constitute the literary structure where the former president of the Nation tells of aspects of her personal and political life. The work considered today as best seller It took a year to make and despite the months since its launch, it's still among the preferences with sales records. Today, it is estimated that the book has already exceeded half a million copies sold and continues to be a leader in global sales in digital format.

The invitation to 10

Nobody is ignorant of the good relations between Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and the Argentine football star. That's why rumors about the possibility that Diego Armando Maradona, which TD of Gymnastic, could be present in the presentation of El Calafate, specially invited by the organization of "sincerely".

Other factors fueled this possibility: This long weekend, there is no date for Super League, which frees 10 of his coaching duties from the team of platense.

Ophelia WilhelmThe mother of the former president, who died in April of this year, was a well-known union leader and supporter on three occasions. Giselle FernandezCristina's sister was present in September. At a press conference, Diego was introduced to the technical direction of the team and presented a gift that surprised and touched Maradona.

The municipal organization ensures that she has not confirmed the presence of the star, although she acknowledges that Cristina has expressed his intention that Diego can accompany him in one of his presentations. "Only Maradona knows if it will be or not," he replied to rumors about his presence Monday in Santa Cruz.


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