Cristina has responded to Macri's 10 points with a verifiable, quantifiable and enforceable social contract


The former president had few political definitions throughout his speech and merely indicated, in a elliptical answer to the president's call Mauricio Macri a subscribe 10 points of consensus, that a "social contract citizen" is necessary.

"In times of great unity, great agreements between the political, social, commercial and labor sectors, no one can oppose these declarations. more than it will be necessary, a social contract will be necessary for all Argentineans with verifiable, quantifiable and applicable objectives"He warned against the generalities included in the 10 points of consensus proposed by the Macri government.

And he warned, without directly naming the Macri government, that "There is no possibility in this difficult world that today, we must generate economic growth without a strong domestic market."

In this sense, the former president called on Macri's government, still without naming it, to review the internal development policies that the US government enforces. "Look what's happening in the United States, the unemployment rate is the lowest in 50 years, the economy is in full swing and, as they told us, they should increase the rates of Interest to calm the economy, as they told us.they do the opposite, they lower them, some realized that they had to again generate industrial work to generate the wealth again, "he said.

And fired: "It would be nice if some of them travel so much there, that they listen so much to what they are told, that they like to praise what goes on there, which They imitate what they do there. "

"I hope this book will serve the Argentineans as an instrument of discussion, debate"After warning that at any point in history, the effects of two antagonistic models could not be countered in such a short period.


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