Cristina: I dreamed that my grandchildren would not have to deal with the IMF


"Thepeople do not vote for presidents to blame others or apologize, but to solve their problems", he said, clearly referring to Mauricio Macri.

To integrate

"The task of the ruler is to prevent people from suffering. That's what we did in 2008 and 2009. I had nine months as president", Recalled Cristina during a dialogue with journalist Marcelo Figueras at the sports center Ernesto" Finito "Ghermann, in Posadas.

Cristina in Posadas

The formula companion of Alberto FernandezHe said that "when neoliberal policies are implemented, they lead to a crisis" and criticized the debt of Mauricio Macri's government: "No one doubts the money came in and was asked, but we will have to pay it."he said.

Cristina Kirchner at Posadas

Cristina Kirchner at Posadas

Cristina Kirchner at Posadas

Before the demonstration, the vice-presidential candidate of the Front de Tous had separate talks with the missionary governor Hugo Pbadalacquawith the senator and former Paraguayan president; Fernando Lugo and with the missionary senator, Maurice Closs


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