Cristina is allowed to travel to Cuba | Chronic


The Federal Oral Court (TOF) 2 authorized Thursday the senator and candidate for the vice presidency Cristina Fernández de Kirchner to travel to Cuba from August 22 to 30, in full trial for presiding over the direction of the public during his tenure as president.

This will be the fourth time that Cristina goes to Cuba. The request was made in mid-July to travel after the STEP elections in which Sunday had been imposed in the formula with Alberto Fernandez as a candidate for the presidency.

The Court understood that the absence of the former President on these dates would not be a disadvantage for the development of the oral and public hearing followed by eleven other accused. She also recalled that the current national senator was still entitled. The former president had asked for permission to go to Cuba for the fourth time "personal reasons" that he has not detailed, although it is known that his daughter Florence is under medical treatment.

The TOF 2 judges also decided to grant an extension requested by the defense of the former president so that the expert on his part could access all the documentation available to the official experts, indicated judicial sources at Telam. The court allowed the former president to travel even though trial attorney Diego Luciani had spoken, as she had done on the previous three occasions.

The last trip authorized by the former president took place between 2 and 10 July, after the TOF 2 felt that his absence from the debate would not require changes to the schedule. This is the fourth time that the former president has requested permission to travel to Cuba, along with the request accompanied by copies of the return tickets.


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