Cristina Kirchner allowed to go to Cuba in the midst of public works testing – Telam


The Federal Oral Court (TOF) 2, which found former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for allegedly leading the work of the public highway during his tenure, authorized him to travel to Cuba. The judges argued that, even if the oral trial had already begun, the visit of the former president would not require any change to the schedule. although he was told that he will have to report his return to court within the next 48 hours.

"Although we have begun the debate in the present case, the truth is that the date on which you asked to travel would not affect the timing of the hearings and would not concern your absence at trial, because vacations decreed for the days 8 and 9 July of the current year, "commented the judges in the decision agreed by Telam.

Judges Jorge Gorini, Andrés Bbado and Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu also pointed out that the senator's defense and the prior procedure to the vice-president had provided copies of round-trip tickets and indicated the address of the president. hotel.


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