Cristina Kirchner asked permission to travel to Cuba to visit Florence


The application was made before the courts 2, 5 and 8, as well as before the federal judge Claudio Bonadio, in the various cases for which it is the subject of an investigation.

Court 5 which has the cause "Los Sauces", the TOF 8 realizes the file "Hotesur" and the 2 has it as defendant for the alleged direction of the public works during its management.

To be able to travel, all the courts must authorize the trip, but first we wait for the opinion of the respective attorneys.

The former president has already been to Cuba between March 14 and 22, an occasion in which she reported that her daughter was on the Caribbean island and was undergoing medical treatment for post-traumatic stress picture and mild leg lymphoedema.

The daughter of the former president went to Cuba in mid-March to, with the permission of the courts that must try her, take a scenario course, but during her stay, He requested permission to delay his return and to undergo medical treatment against post-traumatic stress disorder.


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