Cristina Kirchner authorized to visit Cuba from July 2 to 10


TOF # 2 gave the go-ahead to the former president to visit her daughter Florencia Credit: Citizen Unit Press

The Federal Oral Court No. 2, which organizes the oral trial of the Roads case, authorized

Cristina Kirchner

travel to Cuba from July 2 to 10 to visit her daughter Florencia, who is well cared for. In the same round of resolutions, the magistrates of this jurisdiction rejected the objection of the former president of the expert engineer who would intervene in the trial.

The former president asked permission to travel last week and provided the data of the hotel on which you will be staying, as well as the booking of plane tickets. His daughter Florencia has been under medical treatment in Havana since February. While she had originally traveled to Cuba to attend a seminar on film, the former president reported in mid-March that her daughter was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and that her health was deteriorating. From the 20th to the 30th of April, Cristina went to visit her daughter. Since then, they have not seen each other again.

The trial attorney, Diego Luciani, objected to the request, but the TOF felt that since no trial hearing was scheduled for these dates, it would have no impact on the process. The oral trial for the Vialidad cause began on May 21st. Four hearings have already taken place, of which Cristina was present at three. The process is still at the stage of reading the elevation requirement at a trial. It is expected that investigations will begin after the court fair.

"Although we have begun the debate in the present case, the truth is that the date on which you asked to travel would not affect the timing of the hearings and would not concern your absence at trial, because holidays for the 8th and 9th of July this year, "said Judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Andrés Bbado, adding that within 48 hours of her return, Cristina had to inform the Court.

The challenge of the expert

In the same round of resolutions, the TOF 2 rejected the challenge of Eloy Pablo Bona as official expert intervening in the case. Cristina had asked to move Bona and to appoint another expert, considering that there were risks of judgment (paragraph 10 of the Penal Code) and presumption of manifest hostility towards the applicant. one of the parties to the process (paragraph 11). In the recusation proposal, the lawyer of the former president, Carlos Beraldi, had reported and provided information from Bona's social networks, with critical expressions about the Kirchner government, among the "tastes" of the contested.

In the statement issued by Eloy Bona, it was stated that the Twitter account contested by Beraldi had ceased to be used in 2017, before entering the body of experts of the judiciary of the nation, specializing in corruption cases and crimes against the public administration, and that the publications mentioned were not from its author.

The expert also specified that the work carried out had been carried out "under the strict control of expert specialists" and that "in an expertise report on civil engineering as projected in cars, there is no place for subjectivity and therefore does not exist "place for bias" because it is an exact science, whose results "come mainly from testing materials, studies and badysis of these materials, measurements, comparisons with reproducible models or badyzes, projects or accredited studies.

Bona was appointed on October 23, 2018. The expert activity on selected road works began on December 18, 2018 and the deadline for delivery by the interim professionals expired on June 10. Beraldi challenged him barely a month ago, that is to say, eight months after his appointment, so the judges found the proposal untimely.

For judges, in addition to the withdrawal of the official expert, "a possible acceptance of their application would hinder without further delay the normal development of the expertise, ruin the work done for more than five months and, at the end of account, neutralize the tasks undertaken during this period ".

About Bona's activity on the social network Twitter, magistrates do not share Beraldi's proposal and point out that besides the fact that I love Bona before joining the Corps of Experts, a "j & rsquo; "Likes" (I like it) it is a tool whose goals can be signs of political satire, memory or grace, of insufficient importance for the existence of the presumption of prejudice.

"In addition to the small entity that possesses the same in social networks to base a hypothesis, the link with a satirical post position with respect to the order of merit adopted by the investigating judge in this proceeding does not meet the requirements inherent in the cause of prejudice, as they do not refer to the purpose of their intervention in the case, "they said.



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