Cristina Kirchner denounces "a judicial conspiracy" against opponents and involves the United States – 27/02/2019


Senator Cristina Kirchner denounced Wednesday the existence of a "judicial conspiracy to leave seriously the leaders of the opposition", which included among others. So, sought to defend itself from the cataract of causes of corruption in which it is involved.

Cristina Kirchner at the preparatory session of the Senate of the nation, where she attacked the judiciary and the United States. Photo: Senate

Cristina Kirchner at the preparatory session of the Senate of the nation, where she attacked the judiciary and the United States. Photo: Senate

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He did it during the presentation "a question of privilege" against the Supreme Court in the framework of the preparatory session during which the authorities of the Chamber were renewed.

"This former president does not even have the rights and guarantees that an ordinary citizen has in this country," said the senator. And he maintained that the raids on their homes, authorized by the Senate itself, "were violators not only the provisions of this body, but they violated the procedure for any citizen ".

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Cristina linked this alleged plot to the cause of extortion against the lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio that the federal judge of Dolores carries out, Alejo Ramos Padilla.

The magistrate, belonging to the group K Legitimate justice, implicated as suspect the prosecutor of the notebook business, Carlos Stornelli, where the ex-president is prosecuted as responsible for an illicit badociation.

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"In addition to stigmatizing opposition leaders, intermediate judicial leaders they do business and extort the people, "said the Senator Citizen Unit.

He added that "there is a perverse system, a treatment of the judges as I have never seen it. "In addition to arguing that" these systems are armed not only for economic reasons, but to impose economic and social models of subjugationas during the dictatorshipthat besides confining them with subversives, he stole furniture and other objects from them a model of dispossession, of plunder and misery for the Argentine people ".

In another section, Cristina asked the Court for explanations for not having acted in a suspicious manner using cars from North American security agencies for the extortion tactics attributed to D'Alessio, which would follow from the record that Judge Ramos Padilla has in his hands.

He also said that "one of the people who has already testified in this case said that D'Alessio had taken him away a vehicle where people from the embbady were (from the USA). Of the multiple files found, one was referred to Etchebest (the businessman who reported extortion) written in English"

And he continued his badault. "This official Etchebest, who was going to be involved if he did not pay the bribe, had already written in English a file containing his financial data. Seriously, the US Embbady has nothing to do with that? The truth is that I can not believe it. It is clear that it is a system, a framework, it was discovered that a similar thing happened in an economic criminal court. "

In another part of her emphatic speech, the former president tried to smear the court by attacking the press. And he said, "It strikes me, when the investigative journalist Daniel Santoro, of Bugle, published on the cover that our Minister of Defense, Nilda Garréand Máximo Kirchner, my son, they had offshore millionaire accounts. The United States Department of Justice It took almost two years to report that it was wrong"

Before Cristina's exhibition, the rest of the senators in her caucus took turns to fan the executive power, linking it to alleged legal operations against it.


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