Cristina Kirchner: Due to a fierce persecution, my daughter has serious health problems


The senator of Unidad Ciudadana rose against Comodoro Py for "violating the rights" of the sons and daughters of opponents of the government of Mauricio Macri.

March 14, 2019

Senator of Citizenship Unit Cristina Kirchner He posted a video on his Twitter account where he reports that his daughter, Florencia Kirchner, suffers from serious health problems because is subject to "fierce persecution" by the judges of Comodoro Py.

"The brutal stress she has suffered has devastated her body and her health, but it is very terrible for a young woman to be charged with entering an illicit badociation the same day her father died. October 27, 2010 "said Cristina in a video that she shared on Twitter.

Cristina said that her daughter's health problem was diagnosed in December in Cuba, where she went to receive an award for El Camino de Santiago, a documentary that shows how much the death of Santiago Maldonado.

On the ground of the charge of the alleged wrongful badociation to his daughter, the senator explained: "That day, she accuses him of having become an unlawful badociation for a situation that neither she nor anyone else believes that she loses her father, she chooses … they become legally forced heirs of their parents, not because they want it. "

Cristina explained that because of her daughter's illness: "Alli was controlled and she said that she should start a treatment." In February, she returned to Havana to take an intensive course for screenwriters, but she could not even start it because on her arrival after the flight, her health deteriorated considerably, which explains her rebadessment. and on March 7, he is forbidden to travel by plane. Because of his pathology, he can not stand or sit for long periods. "

The senator explained why the justice had violated the rights of Florencia: "We ask the reservation that the affair deserves not to affect more its clinical state, and as always, they violated the rights of my daughter as they have done with mine, but with a very big difference: I was twice president of this country, I chose the political militancy to train and for the conviction, whereas Florence, beyond his convictions, chose another life: feminist art and activism ".

Finally, the legislator spoke to those who hated her: "The persecution that she suffered against her and that devastated her is that she is the daughter of Cristina Kirchner and Nestor Kirchner, so I ask those who tell us hate They please me, but more with her, not with her please.


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