Cristina Kirchner from Cuba: "Independence is a country without debt, sovereign and with work"


He went to the island to accompany his daughter Florencia Source: archive

The former president

Cristina Kirchner

celebrated Cuba the

Independence Day

Argentina and, have published a new campaign spot on social networks with different definitions of the concept of "independence".

"Independence is a country without debt, sovereign, with work, opportunities and dreams for all, we will find it among ALL", wrote Cristina, who traveled to Cuba in the middle of the

election campaign

and in full trial for alleged irregularities in the award of public works contracts in the province of Santa Cruz during his reign.

The former president accompanied this message with a campaign video that begins with images of Mauricio Macri walking and chatting with the former director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, accompanied by the text next: "The independence, it is that our country has a decisional power".

"Independence is a national production and work, independence is science and technology, independence is education to progress, independence should be encouraged to dream of a future, our future, and to do it, "adds the document in 36 seconds.

As explained by the exmandataria lawyer, the senator arrived on the island a week ago to accompany her daughter.


, 28, who is following medical treatment in Cuba and who suffers from post-traumatic stress and lymphatic obstruction.

It is the third time that Cristina visits Florencia in Havana. The first took place in mid-March when he announced, through a video, that his daughter was undergoing a checkup that he said prevented him from returning to Argentina. Then he traveled in April.

The exmandataria and her two children, Máximo and Florencia, will be the subject of an oral no date trial, accused of money laundering through the rental of hotels of family.

AFP Agency



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