Cristina Kirchner, Massa and Solá left messages to the Malvinas and criticized Macri


Opposition leaders have voiced their message by demanding the sovereignty of the Malvinas Islands.

April 2, 2019

The leaders of different opposition areas have today expressed themselves in social networks in demand for the sovereignty of Falkland Islands, on the occasion of the new anniversary of the beginning of the 1982 war.

The former president and current senator Cristina Kirchner He published a video which resumes his speech in which he baderts that the defense of the Malvinas' sovereignty "can not be isolated" from a "country project" in which sovereignty is also claimed at all levels.

"Talking about the Malvinas Islands, our sovereignty, our fighters, can not be isolated from the global political context, we can not defend the Falklands and we can not defend the domestic industry, we can not defend the Falklands and we can not defend science and technology.It can not defend the Malvinas and bankrupt the country, losing its political and financial sovereignty, "said the former head of state in the video, in the aim to rise to the government of Cambiemos.

For the leader of Unidad Ciudadana, "the Falklands must be part of a state policy, they can not be absent from what we conceive as a country project".

For his part, the leader of the Renovador Front, Sergio Mbada, recalled that the war adventure in the Falklands was "a false and unequal war", but that, at the same time, it expressed on the Argentine side "a just and sovereign demand that governments should not forget".

Meanwhile, the red deputy for Argentina Felipe Solá called to maintain "the defense of national sovereignty" and not to confuse "ever again the necessary dialogue with the shameful submission of this government".

To integrate

37 years after the heroic effort of our soldiers, let us keep alive the defense of national sovereignty and never confuse the necessary dialogue with the shameful submission of this government.#MalvinasArgentines

– Felipe Solá (@felipe_sola) April 2, 2019

The governor of Salta, Juan Manuel Urtubey, said: "37 years after the Falklands war, we remember our heroes with pride and admiration, the recognition of their place in history and we must continue to work in this direction ".

To integrate

37 years after the Falklands war, we remember our heroes with pride and admiration.
The pending accounts with veterans have to do with recognizing their place in history and we must continue to work in this direction.

– Juan Manuel Urtubey (@UrtubeyJM) April 2, 2019

The former chancellor also pointed against the government Jorge Taiana, who badured that the leadership of Mauricio Macri "weakens the claim of sovereignty over the Falklands and continues with unilateral concessions in favor of the British". In this perspective, he felt that "only the policy of firmness will encourage the British to feel at the negotiating table."

National deputy and former secretary for Falkland Islands affairs Daniel Filmus He noted that there was "a favorable international scenario" at the request of Argentina and regretted that the Government did not take advantage of this "historic opportunity" which, in his view, was presented to intensify the pressures in the corresponding regions.

To integrate

The Malvinas are as Argentinian as the obelisk, the Perito Moreno glacier, as the Cataratas …

This April 2nd, we remember the fallen heroes and all the Malvinois heroes

– Daniel Filmus (@FilmusDaniel) April 2, 2019

The former ambbadador to the United Kingdom Alicia Castro He urged to continue "to fight relentlessly for sovereignty". And he concluded: "Territorial sovereignty, maritime sovereignty, Antarctic sovereignty, sovereignty of natural resources, we know that one day Argentina will exercise the administration of the Malvinas Islands, our task is to shorten deadlines. "


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