Cristina Kirchner received Mélenchon | The chef of …


Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the French left, arrived in Argentina and met Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The former presidential candidate tweeted two photos with the former president, in addition to launching his criticism of the IMF.

"The IMF Christine Lagarde has lent to his country 5 times more in 3 years than during the rest of its history without a vote in Parliament," said the head of the French delegation Insumisa, while defining the presidents Mauricio Macri and Emmanuel Macron "Two presidential monarchs", which represent the same risk. The former president had received Mélenchon during his tenure at Casa Rosada.

As a candidate for France Insumisa, Mélenchon won 19.6% of the vote in the presidential election of 2017. The veteran socialist leader, who had left the party, was out of the vote between Macron and Marine Le Pen, representative from the far right.

Mélenchon, who visited former President José Mujica and his wife Lucia Topolansky in Uruguay, also visited the Association of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, where he met Hebe de Bonafini . "They have been fighting since 1977 for their children who disappeared under the Argentine dictatorship. They did not hesitate to challenge him by going to the Plaza de Mayo every week, "he said about the Mothers.


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