Cristina Kirchner returns from Cuba after a visit to Florence


President Cristina Kirchner He arrived in Argentina after spending a week in Cuba where he visited his daughter Florencia, who is facing medical treatment in this country.

The flight that brought the precandidate back to Frente de Todos' vice president landed in Ezeiza on Tuesday in the last minutes. Cristina had been authorized to travel by the Federal Court of Justice 2, which considers her responsible for an illicit badociation who led the public works for Lázaro Báez.

That's how Cristina Kirchner came into her home. Credits: TN.
That's how Cristina Kirchner came into her home. Credits: TN.

It was the third trip of the exmandataria to Cuba to visit his daughter Florencia, who suffers a medical treatment at the medical and surgical research center under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cuba (CIMEQ) in Havana. The recovery of the girl is carried out in the greatest secrecy.

Florencia is neat in Cuba. Credits: AFP.
Florencia is neat in Cuba. Credits: AFP.

According to the reports submitted to the court, Florence would have purpuric syndrome at the study; demyelinating polyneuropathy susceptible of unknown etiology; amenorrhea at study; low body weight and slight lower limb lymphedema of unknown etiology. Due to this complex image, Cristina Kirchner has already made three visits to this country to visit her daughter.

On Friday, July 5, a day before his birthday, Florencia Kirchner went to the Argentine Embbady in Cuba to comply with the court's decision and to sign a report of his stay at Havana for her health problems.

The daughter of the former president is being prosecuted for illicit badociation and money laundering in the case of Los Sauces and Hotesur, alongside her mother and her brother, Máximo Kirchner.


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