Cristina Kirchner said that Vladimir Putin had handed her the San Martin letter that they had taken away from her home


In his new book, "SincerelyPresident Cristina Kirchner tries to clarify how she received the letter, in her hands, that the General Don José of San Martín sent Bernardo O. Higgins and that the justice of justice removed his home in El Calafate during a raid on this property.

In this document, Judge Claudio Bonadio tried to "conceal, destroy or illegally export historical documents" and opened an investigation which led to a first conclusion: the letter had been stolen from the archives of the vicuña Mackenna at Chile during his move. 1981, as revealed The information has been verified with the authorities of the National Archives of Chile.

One of the photos taken during this meeting. Credits: EFE.
One of the photos taken during this meeting. Credits: EFE.

Cristina is now trying to clarify the facts and she says on page 14 of her book: "What about the letter from St. Martin is a wonderful story: during my visit to Moscow in March 2015 after the working lunch that the President had offered us from the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, when we withdraw from it, stopped the pace from our surroundings and asked one of his collaborators, who had a box in his hands, to come. And there, to my surprise and translator, he said to me: "This is for you, presidentWhen I opened the box and could see the original letter from San Martin to O. Higgins, I almost died. I looked at him and asked him, "And this, from where did he come from?" The answer was immediate and I was even more surprised: & # 39;We send it to you for purchase in New York& # 39; I confess that he wanted to impress me, he had done it with a lot of … An original letter from liberator San Martin to the liberator O. Higgins! In which, moreover, St. Martin regrets the ingratitude that they both received for the people that they liberated! Mum! Putin, hat"

However, the brief paragraph opens a new question: how did Putin get the document if the Chilean authorities and the Argentine justice system believe that after being stolen, he wandered for years through the market black?

In case the foreign agent acquired the document by legal means, who bought it and how did this seller get a stolen letter years ago in South America. The trip of this newspaper to New York remains a mystery. he contacted the press officer of the Russian Embbady in Argentina and, in response to the consultation of this media, replied "not having knowledge of this story".

In March, this site published that although it is complex to establish the exact moment when the document was stolen, a data would pay the theory that it was stolen in the early 80's. In Chile's general archives, we found a transcript of the letter – written between 1950 and 1960 – that would reaffirm that writing was next to the rest of the manuscripts until at least twenty years before the trace be lost.

The transcription:

The "lost" volume is number nine and is part of the file that the National Library of Chile bought from Mackenna's widow, Mrs. Victoria Subercaseaux, by Decree No. 1271 of April 26, 1887.

The specialists understand that the type of paper of the letter found in the house of Cristina Kirchner, its wear and the ink tone It is identical to the writings of the General Archives of Chile. So we think they were part of the same volume for decades.

The letter from San Martin to O. Higgins was found in a brown leather case meant to house this manuscript: it was the same size as the leaves, which stood between two pressed acrylics. This suggests to justice that the historical document went through the black market for years, until its landing at Cristina. What was your route? It is unknown, although a new index has been added: before arriving at El Calafate he pbaded through New York and Russia.


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