Cristina Kirchner supported Julian Assange after his arrest: "Those who reveal the truth are persecuted"


The exmandataria offered their support to the founder of WikiLeaks Source: Archives – Credit: AFP

The former president and senator of the Citizen unit,

Cristina Kirchner,

publicly approved the founder of



Julian Assange,

who was arrested today after spending seven years at the Embbady of Ecuador in London.

"In the wrong world, false news circulates freely and those who reveal the truth are persecuted and imprisoned," the ex-envoy said. "The right to information of citizens, thank you very much," he added, referring to the Australian activist.

In the opposite world, false news circulates freely and those who reveal the truth are persecuted and imprisoned. The right to information of citizens, and thank you very much.
#Assange& – Cristina Kirchner (@CFKArgentina)
April 11, 2019

In 2010, Hurricane WikiLeaks, which until then had only touched the United States because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, touched Argentina with its revelations. On November 29, the first cables of information on the country and, in particular, on Néstor and Cristina Kirchner.

"The state of" mental health "," intolerance to criticism ", the so-called" paranoia "and" incompetence of external relations and the economy "of presidential marriage have been revealed as reasons for concern of the US State Department in the past years.

The impact of this "first chapter" was focused on Washington's consultations on the president's health. The information, which according to the secret cable, would be used in the preparation of a "profile" of the Argentine President, wore the short signature "Clinton", in reference to the head of this department, the secretary of 39, State of the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton.

Assage has been a refugee in the Ecuadorian diplomatic delegation in the British capital in August 2012 and has not gone since. He was arrested today for failing to appear in court that year, soon after his asylum was revoked.

London police forcibly took him to the embbady and put him in a police van. His detention was motivated by an extradition request from the United States and an accusation that he would not have met the conditions of his probation, explained Jennifer Robinson, who is part of the team. Legal Assange.

Assange had not left the embbady for years, claiming that while he was leaving Ecuadorian diplomatic territory, he could be detained and extradited to the United States in alleged retaliation for publishing thousands of cables military and diplomats clbadified by WikiLeaks.

On the other hand, shortly after the arrest of its founder, WikiLeaks has accused "powerful actors", including the CIA, of "sophisticated" conspiracy to "dehumanize" it.


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