Cristina Kirchner, surprised by the measures of Joe Biden


“This is why I am asking Congress to pass the law to protect the right to organize …” PLOP!“Cristina tweeted.

“That’s why I came up with the American Jobs Plan, a one-time investment in a generation in America itself. This is the biggest jobs plan since World War II,” Joe Biden said.

The Democratic President, successor to Republican Donald Trump, announced a few weeks ago his ambitious plan to renew the infrastructure of the United States, which would create millions of jobs lost due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“This creates jobs to improve our transport infrastructure; jobs modernizing our roads, bridges, highways; construction of ports and airports, rail corridors, transit lines,” said the president according to the Argentine vice president. .

Joe Biden was also brought up about his policy of access to drinking water, and once again the vice president was interested in collecting his texts because they resonated with it.

“Today, up to 10 million homes in the United States and more than 400,000 schools and nurseries have pipes with lead, including in drinking water, a clear and present danger to the health of our children. The president said to present his American jobs. Plan.

“The US Jobs Plan creates jobs that replace 100% of the nation’s lead and utility lines so all Americans can drink clean water. It will create millions of well-paying jobs, jobs in which Americans can start a family, as my father would say, “with a little room to breathe,” “he added.

“And all investments in the US jobs plan will be guided by one principle: buy American. Buy American. And I can point out, in parentheses, that it does not violate any trade agreement. It has been the law since the 1930s: buy American, ”he said. The president, for the sake of the former Argentine president.

“American public money will be used to buy American products made in the United States to create American jobs,” Joe Biden said before specifying that “nearly 90% of the infrastructure jobs created in the American plan for the jobs do not require a university degree “. and that “75% do not need an associate’s degree”.

“The American Jobs Plan is a manual work plan for building the United States. That’s what it is, “noted Cristina Kirchner before admitting:” I could continue to promote the American Rescue Plan or the American Family Plan, but I’m interested in that, you find out how Biden plans to fund all of this. “

“The texts follow: “So how do we pay for my jobs and my family project? (…) it’s time for corporate America and the richest 1% of Americans to start paying their fair share. Just your fair share. PLOP x2!“said the vice president.

Biden reported on Capitol Hill in Washington DC that “a recent study shows that 55 of the country’s largest corporations paid no federal taxes last year” and that “those 55 corporations made more than $ 40 billion of benefits “.

“Many companies also evade taxes through tax havens in Switzerland, Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. They benefit from tax loopholes and deductions to relocate jobs and shift profits overseas. It’s not good”, Condemned the President of the United States.

We will reform corporate taxes so that they pay their fair share and help pay for public investments that your businesses will also benefit from.. We will close the loopholes that allow Americans to earn more than $ 1,000,000 a year and pay a lower tax rate on their capital gains than Americans who receive a paycheck, ”he said. declared.

“” We will only affect three-tenths of 1% of all Americans with this action. Three tenths of 1%. “ Does this sound familiar to you?“said Cristina Kirchner in clear reference to the solidarity contribution that Congress has approved in Argentina for great fortunes.

When you hear someone say they don’t want to raise taxes for the richest 1% or corporations in America, ask them, “Who would like to raise taxes?” Who are you going to cut?“The big tax cut in 2017 was supposed to pay for itself, that’s how it sold itself, and it would generate great economic growth,” Biden agreed of the tax policy of Donald Trump.

“Instead, he added $ 2 billion to the deficit. It was a huge boon for American companies and those at the top. Instead of using the tax savings to raise wages and invest in research and development, he invested billions of dollars in the pockets of CEOs, ”Biden fired on Monday.

“In fact, the pay gap between CEOs and their employees is now among the largest in history. CEOs earn 320 times what the average worker in their company earns. “revealed the president, for whom” the pandemic has only made matters worse “.

“Twenty million Americans have lost their jobs in the pandemic: middle and working class Americans. At the same time, about 650 billionaires in America have seen their net worth increase by more than $ 1 billion , at exactly the same time, “he added. thought.

I repeat: 650 people have increased their wealth by over $ 1 billion during this pandemic. And now they’re worth over $ 4 billion», Reiterated the president before sending a strong message to the political forces and to the general public.

“My fellow citizens, the trickle down economy has never worked and it is time to grow the economy from the bottom up and from the center out,” Biden said as part of his speech.

“Why did Biden say all this? He also explains it verbatim:” The worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. “And that the IMF did not. Finance Trump’s campaign,” said Cristina Kirchner of Buenos Aires.

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