Cristina Kirchner travels to Cuba for health reasons for her daughter Florencia – 13/03/2019


Former President Cristina Kirchner informed Claudio Bonadio's court that this Thursday, he will go to Cuba and he will stay in this country for a week.

Cleared judicial sources Clarin that Cristina made this communication of her own volition, because the former president There is no prohibition to leave the country as a result of their court cases.

Florence Kirchner.

Florence Kirchner.

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The movements of the ex-president out of the country also involve movements of the security apparatus that surrounds it, as they are supported by federal forces.

Informed judicial sources Clarin that in front of the court of Bonadio, that takes again a large part of the causes of corruption which weigh in its against, the ex-president declared that it would be absent from the country for seven days and what is For health reasons his daughter Florencia, who would be in Cuba.

Look also

During her tenure as president, Cristina has cultivated good relations with the former president. Raul Castrowho made a visit obligatory.

Two years ago, Cristina asked justice for permission to go to Greece, where she delivered several speeches and held a private meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras in Parliament, an imposing building that was a royal palace and faces the historic Syntagma Square.



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