Cristina Kirchner travels to Cuba to visit her daughter Florencia


Cristina Fernández de Kirchner will embark on Thursday, August 22 a new trip to Cuba to visit his daughter Florence, who is in this country in medical treatment and continues to be hospitalized. The candidate for the vice presidency of the In front of all He will be absent from the country until Friday, August 30th.

he Federal oral court 2 Last Thursday, the former president allowed Cuba to travel to Cuba. She will be absent on August 26th. A new hearing will be held for the trial "Cause Road", in which the alleged irregularities in the judgment are the subject of an investigation. public works in the province of Santa Cruz during his presidency.

The former president is judged for fraud in public works as a result of the offers she handed over to the businessman Lázaro Báez, which are in total 51 and are being evaluated by a group of experts from the Supreme Court of Justice.

Justice has allowed Cristina Kirchner to visit Cuba for the fourth time of the year

The senator of the Citizens Unit had requested permission to travel for the fourth time to Havana for "personal reasons" that were not detailed, even though it is known that She travels to the island to visit her daughter, sick and neat. . In mid-March, the candidate of In front of all He announced through a video that the young woman was looking at a health card that prevented her from returning to Argentina.

Florencia has been in Cuba since the beginning of 2019, where she performs medical treatment with a judicial authorization from the Federal Federal Court 5, which prepares the case for the cases. "Hotesur" and "Willows"where he is awaiting trial for alleged money laundering.

In the medical part sent from Havana to TOF No. 5, Doctors Charles Hall Smith and Roberto Castellanos Gutiérrez claimed that the daughter of the former president had post-traumatic stress disorder and added other diagnoses, such as purpuric syndrome, which causes spots on the skin; a demyelinating sensory polyneuropathy whose origin is unknown, but it's a neurological disorder; and amenorrhea, which is the absence of menstruation and is usually badociated with eating disorders: this badumption is reinforced by another point of the part where it is said that Florence has a low body weight.

In addition, one of the main reasons he was advised not to visit Argentina is mild lower limb lymphoedema, which results in swelling of the legs due to obstruction of the lymphatic system.



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