Cristina Kirchner was honest about what happened during the frustrated stage of command with Macri


Mauricio Macri takes the presidential orders, in the absence of Cristina Kirchner Source: File – Credit: Daniel Jayo

Among the emblematic situations of the second term of office

Cristina Kirchner

in the presidency, is the unfortunate transfer of band and presidential staff to

Mauricio Macri

December 10, 2015.

Hundreds of versions have circulated around what happened in the previous one and that led to its

Federico Pinedo,

President for 12 hours, who will convey the presidential attributes to the leader of Cambiemos.

In his book, Sincerely,

Cristina Kirchner recounted her first version of what had happened and how she had dreamed that it was the transfer of command with her successor in the Rivadavia chair.

"Often, after the vote, I thought on this picture that the story was not yours: in front of the Legislative Assembly, putting the presidential attributes to Mauricio Macri, I thought about it and I squeezed it. I had imagined how to do it, I took out the group and, next to the cane, I gently deposited them on the set of the presidency of the Assembly, I l & # 39; I greeted and I retired, "Cristina wrote on page 24 of her book.

Credit: Enrique Villegas

Then she badyzed what she thought she was representing for her opponents. "Todo Cambiemos wanted this photo of me giving the order to Macri because it was not a president, it was Cristina, it was the" mare ", the arrogance, the authoritarian, the populist in an act of capitulation. "

But the description did not stop there, but theorized why Mauricio Macri missed this picture. "Why did this photo fail Macri and her fears disappear?" This episode, however, revealed the unprecedented degree of hatred and judicial manipulation that was taking place in Argentina, but especially because Mauricio Macri and they accompanied him, they were willing to do it. "

A wonderful Russian story

In another fragment, also in the introductory chapter of the book, Cristina Kirchner recounted how an original manuscript of General José de San Martín had been handed over to General Bernardo O. Higgins.

After questioning the actions of the judge

Claudio Bonadio

Around the letter, he said: "The letter of St. Martin is a wonderful story: during my visit to Moscow in March 2015, after the working lunch hosted by the President of the Russian Federation,

Vladimir Poutine,

when he left us, he stopped the pbadage of our delegation and asked one of his collaborators, who had a box in his hand, to approach him. "

Credit: Enrique Villegas

"There, in front of my surprise and my translator, he said to me," This is for you, President. "When I opened the box and saw San Martin's letter to O. Higgins, I nearly died, and that, where did he come from?" The answer was immediate and I've surprised even more: "We sent him to buy for you in New York." I confess that he wanted to impress me, he had managed to and with great success, "he added on page 15.

The anecdote concluded as follows: "An original letter from liberator San Martin to the liberator O. Higgins! In which, moreover, St. Martin deplores the ingratitude that the two peoples that they liberated have received! Mamita! Putin,


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