Cristina Kirchner went to defend Julian Assange and warned that "those who reveal the truth are persecuted" – 04/11/2019


The arrest of Julian Assange at the Embbady of Ecuador in London has sparked a wave of reactions around the world, both for and against the founder of WikiLeaks. And in Argentina, until Cristina Kirchner talks about it on Thursday.

In her Twitter account, the former president stressed "false news" and warned that "they reveal the truth that they are persecuted and imprisoned. "

"In the opposite world, false news circulates freely and those who reveal the truth are persecuted and imprisoned.The right to information of citizens, and thank you." #Assange, "wrote the former president in his social network account.

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Assange was arrested during the morning of Thursday by British police at the Embbady of Ecuador in London, where he was officially isolated. Quito accepted this detention with the British government and withdrew the status of asylum.

According to the Ecuadorian diplomatic authorities, Assange had violated the conditions of asylum. Private photos of Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno were published two weeks ago and suspicions have been brought to WikiLeaks and its founder.

Although the fate of what is happening in the coming hours is not yet clear, the US Department of Justice announced that it was going to announce the charges against the WikiLeaks founder for helping Chelsea Manning to hack confidential digital files. This crime, according to this agency, provides for a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment.

"The charge is related to Assange's alleged role in one of the largest leaks of clbadified information in the history of the United States," the ministry said. Justice in a statement.



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