Cristina Kirchner will extend her stay in Cuba until September 19th


Justice authorized Cristina Kirchner to extend her stay in Cuba until the 19th of September. The guarantee was granted by Federal Court No. 2 Friday, after the ex-president unexpectedly visited the Caribbean country in the middle of the week to accompany her daughter during her treatment.

With the new authorization of the judges, the candidate for the vice presidency of the Front of all he will postpone his return to the country for three dayswhich was scheduled for September 16th.

The decision was made public one day after Federal Court No. 5 asked Florence Kirchner's defense New report on your state of health.

The daughter of the former president receives medical care at the Havana Medical and Surgical Research Center, since mid March.

According to the latest health report submitted to his lawyer, Carlos Beraldi, he is being treated by a lymphedema, deep depression and low body weight.

In the coming months, the beginning of the oral trial against him, his mother and his brother, Máximo, is expected for the causes Hotesur and Sauces. In this regard, TOF No. 5 – in charge of the judicial process – indicated that there is no urgency for his returnsince the immediate beginning of it is not planned.

The surprise trip of Cristina Kirchner through Florence

Cristina Kirchner he went to Cuba for the fifth time this year to visit his daughter Florencia, who is facing medical treatment in this country. The leak of the former president took place on Wednesday morning.

The lawyers of the vice-presidential candidate have submitted a new application to the Federal Oral Court 2, which judges her in the case of the direction of public works in favor of Lázaro Báez. The magistrates quickly resolved and allowed him to travel. The former complainant argued for "personal problems".

The last time Cristina was in Cuba, it was only 10 days ago, when she went to this country for the fourth time. In the environment of the former president, do not give for the moment details about why the exmandataria travels in a surprising way.


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