Cristina Kirchner’s double pension: judge backed down and withdrew opposition from retroactive millionaire case


Cristina Kirchner
Cristina Kirchner

Justice today resolved to retrace its steps and cancel the participation of the deputies of Ensemble for Change in the open cause for the double pension of Cristina Kirchner.

A little over a month after accepting the intervention of a group of opposition lawmakers in the cause for which Cristina Kirchner was favored so that she could receive two monthly stipends for life – hers as past president and her husband’s derivative, the substitute judge of the social security court n ° 10, Edmundo Ezequiel Pérez Nami, changed his decision and decided to reject the request of the deputies.

From Together for Change, the president of the UCR, Alfredo Cornejo, the vice-president of the Pensions and Social Security Commission, Alejandro Cacace, and the deputies Luis Petri, Graciela Ocaña, Jimena Latorre and Dolores Martínez They had presented the request for intervention due to the inaction of ANSES, which until then had not appealed against the conviction in favor of Cristina Kirchner. In front of this situation, ANSES decided to appeal the decision the same day.

Also on the same day, the judge published a decree accepting the intervention of the deputies of Juntos por el Cambio in the case and uphold the appeals raised by them and by ANSES.

However, Pérez Nami later revoked his own resolution following a presentation by the vice president’s lawyer, who even threatened in this letter to initiate criminal proceedings against the magistrate. The judge alleged that ANSES had already appealed against the resolution and that the intervention of opponents was therefore not necessary.

Alfredo Cornejo, president of the UCR (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)
Alfredo Cornejo, president of the UCR (Photo: Gustavo Gavotti)

“The vice president constantly denounces judicial, legal and other persecution, but it turns out that the judges rule in her favor in the name of her double pension and her retroactive millionaire.”Warns Cornejo.

In the same vein, the deputy Alejandro Cacace said: “The judge, in just a few weeks, first granted us the intervention when he deemed our interest to act credited, then he overturned his decision and, finally, he dismissed our action in the case. ‘case as unnecessary. “

“Nami’s attitude may surprise us, but in the face of attacks on justice by the government, the judges are starting to respond in favor of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner”, condemned the president of the UCR.

Now there is another example for MPs, who They will appeal the judge’s decision to the Federal Social Security Chamber.

The former president filed a lawsuit in 2017, after, under Mauricio Macri’s government, the Department of Social Development, headed by Carolina Stanley, issued a resolution preventing the double collection of the life pension. Cristina Kirchner then demanded the reimbursement of the pension of former President Néstor Kirchner and the sums withheld as income tax.

Like the other former presidents, former vice-presidents and former members of the Supreme Court, CFK benefits from the monthly allowance for life, provided for by law 24,018. But then MP Margarita Stolbizer denounced irregularities in the collection of two pensions, one for her mandate and the other for that of her husband.

In her trial, Cristina Kirchner said it was “A special non-contributory benefit, granted in recognition of merit and the honor of those who have occupied these positions and which is incompatible with the enjoyment of any other retirement, pension, retirement or advantage, but under the ordinary regime ”.


A court decision suspended the collection of the double life pension of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

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