Cristina Kirchner's test reveals the new judicial operation against her


In the opening pages of his book, the former president explains that the historical document came to him through the Russian chief executive.

May 8, 2019

In Cristina Kirchner's book, there are several fragments that make people talk. One of them responds to the confirmation of the prosecutions initiated today by the Federal Chamber for the possession of historical objects found in the house of the former president. Among the topics discussed, the text to be presented tomorrow at the Book Fair revealed that it was Vladimir Poutinewho gave him the letter of José de San Martin for which the judge Claudio Bonadío has initiated a prosecution.

To integrate

In the first chapter of her book "Sincerely," the senator made reference to the story of the original letter that José de San Martín wrote to Bernardo O. Higgins, according to Rosario Ayerdi posted on his Twitter account.

The magistrate asked that the historical document, found in the house of El Calafate, could have been obtained illegally. For this reason, Cristina Kirchner mentioned on page 14 how she accepted the letter. The context included none other than the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin.

It's the story: "What about the letter from St. Martin is a wonderful story: during my visit to Moscow in March 2015After the working lunch offered by the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, when we left, he stopped the pbadage of our delegation and asked one of his collaborators, who had a box to the hand, to come. And there, to my surprise and translator through, he said to me: "This is for you, President."

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Cristina counted: "When I opened the box and I could see San Martin's original letter to O. Higgins, I nearly died." I looked at him and asked him, "And this, from where did they get it?". The answer was immediate and surprised me even more: "We sent him to buy for you in New York". I confess that he wanted to impress me, he had done it with a lot of … An original letter from liberator San Martin to the liberator O. Higgins! In which, moreover, St. Martin regrets the ingratitude that they both received for the people that they liberated! Mum! Putin, hat. "


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